Together with Artemis, I offer dog-assisted socio-educational support for children and adolescents with special needs, and who like dogs.
The presence of my dog makes things easier for most clients in a playful and innovative way:
Calming down – the mere touch and direct eye contact with the dog calms the breathing rhythm and happiness hormones are released.
Learning the rules and structures of everyday life (e.g. learning traffic rules by being allowed to lead Artemis on a leash and being responsible for her; this also promotes self-empowerment and self-efficacy).
Learning impulse control (e.g. because the dog gets frightened when shouting, suddenly running around, etc.)
School content is packaged in "dog topics". This usually makes them more accessible, as the children are intrinsically interested in them.
Concentrating and staying on something for 15 minutes.
Last but not least, breaks for exercise, play and fun are key – for the clients and for Artemis – not everything has to be calm and serious.
For more information and specific examples, see podcast in German: Judith and Artemis visiting NZZ Megahertz on 21 december 2023, about animal-assisted interventions, from the 22nd minute:
Natalie Gilgen, social pedagogue, has researched the acquisition of skills by children and adolescents through dog-assisted interventions in stationary socio-educational institutions; dog lover
Francesca Crea, Francesca Crea, health specialist, works in social institutions and organisations of the city of Zurich (SEB), former employee of Pfarrer Sieber Werke; dog lover
Francesca Crea, Fachperson Gesundheit, arbeitet in Sozialen Einrichtungen und Betrieben der Stadt Zürich (SEB), ehem. Mitarbeit Pfarrer Sieber Werke; Hundeliebhaberin
Natalie Gilgen, Sozialpädagogin, hat zu Kompetenzerwerb von Kindern und Jugendlichen durch hundegestützte Interventionen in stationären soz.päd. Institutionen geforscht; Hundeliebhaberin